Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'm having a kinda down in the dumps day again. I dont really know why. It's not nearly as bad as it was earlier in the year tho. I kinda feel like there's no one to to talk to today. I go into work at 3, so I know things will get better then. So, the other night I talked to Adam about meeting up in Kansas City next weekend when he's there. He said it just won't work. I'm pretty bummed about that. I need to cut back spending time on him again. It just sucks. I need to move on. I don't know what kind of spell he has over me. I tried talkin to Abby about it, I sent her an email and never heard back. We havn't been talking much lately, Abby and I. Her and Brad were here the other weekend and that was AMAZING! But, I didn't go to Lori's (my high school friend) wedding, because I got sick that morning. So, I felt yucky and guilty all Saturday, then Ab and Brad left early Sunday. Brad and Abby have been looking for a new place to rent so they can save some money, and I know thats why she hasn't been calling or talking to me, but these past few days I really needed a friend to talk to.
My day should be getting better. I had CMT on, and Eric Church's Cribs was on. hehe. I love that :) I have to work 3-11, I hope it is a fabulous night. The past 3 days have been unGodly Im keepin my fingers crossed for a good one! Isuppose I better go finish gettin ready.
Im kinda excited to head home tomorrow (my only day off in a week) My sis is having a jewelry party, but I need to get away from my place..from Ames..from work and my bed..haha
ok, bye bye
xoxo, me

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