Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend of fun!!
This weekend we had a surprise 30th Anniversary party for my parents and it was also my nephew Collin's first birthday!
He got this red ryder wagon from me and steve and mom and dad!
This pic is Collin on the right and my cousins little boy Noah on the left! They had such a fun time in it!! They are soo cute!!

I adore my cousins..I really do have some of the best family in the world! Here is an adorable pic of a SMALL portion of my Hoffman my Brothers new girlfriend Tara (in the green)
Cassy, Tiff, Ellie, Nick, Steve, Tara, Me, Alison, Drew

Cake Time!! Collin enjoyed the tractor on top more than the cake! haha! it was super cute!
I also attended a bridal shower for one of my best friends since Kindergarden-Megan!
She is getting married in Septemeber (on the same day as the Iowa/Iowa State football game!! eek)

Carla, Jenny G, Kari, Megan, Jenny W, Stef
thats my weekend in a nutshell!
xoxo, Kari

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Monday!
Today is my Saturday! I worked all weekend! It was a good weekend, but a tad slow! I really shouldnt complain about that..but i kinda feel like i didnt do too much!
Saturday night some visitors came with about 40 single roses and passed them out to all the nurses and pct and a few patients on our floor. It was adorable! The kiddos were probablly about 2 and 4ish. They said they were trading flowers for smiles!
Isnt it pretty??????

This weekend at work I was creeped out too. We have red phones that we call codes on that accesses the overhead system but any phone can do the same thing if you dial 7-9-9.
So, saturday night about 6 or 630ish we hear this tapping noise over the overhead system. We are told to check our red phone. Then we hear the noise that too micraphones make when u hold them too close together.. and this keeps happening on and off. THEN..we hear a young mans voice saying "Marco-Polo" over and over again. By this time we are checking all of our patients rooms to see if someone or their visitors are goofing off or what. No luck. We go check some waiting rooms that arnt monitored. No luck. Then pretty soon our friend gets back on the overhead system and says "$5 to the first person that can find me..haha" and hangs up. Im kinda gettin an uneasy feeling. There are more micraphone screaming noises, then he comes back on and says "Maybe the Dr should have given me my meds today.." I am creeped waiting for someone to bust through with a gun or something!!! But I guess shortly after they found him. It was a patient on the Psych floor that got into a conference room and had access to a phone! Eeeeek!

I just had to throw a cute Winston pic in from Friday I think.. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

so..i have a story..
my parents have a gas barrell on the farm. and lately its been empty often! yes gas prices have gone up, but they havnt been using more than normal. even the gas man who fills it mentioned something about filling up more often than normal. and lately my dad has been noticing beer cans around the tank.
so my dad and brother started their own investigation..i mean really..we live in the middle of no where, on a street thats dead end at both ends...who would know where our gas barrell is?! and who would drive all the way there to fill up!? so, dad mentioned something to our neighbor bill..whos an awesome 80+ year old farmer..just to keep an eye and ear on it too. so, the past couple nights dad and steve have hid in the machine shed on an old couch just incase the trasspassors decided to show up. well..last night, it was about 2 am and they decided its bed time, nothings gonna happen. so they go back over to the house and get in bed. and what do you know..the phone rings..its Bill! ha!
he says, mark, you better get up there is a truck driving towards your place with no lights on!
so dad jumps out of bed throws some jeans shirt, no brother hears the phone ring knows somethings up so he gets up too..throws on jeans and cowboy boots!
they hop in the truck and head across the road to the farm (our house is on one side of the road and the rest of the acerage is on the other) they have their lights off too. they see a truck on the they drive up and scare him..he drives off..and they realize there is a car parked at the gas tanks so tehy block the driveway so it cannot leave. well the car charges them and has no intention of stopping. so dad moves as he doesnt wanna be t-boned! so the car slips out of the driveway and theres a chase! dad and my brother call 911 to let them know whats going on..since our address is Lake City, the Calhoun Co. Sherriff gets involved but they are heading towards the Green Co sherriff gets involved too, but since they are technically still in Carroll Co. that sherriff gets involved too. So as they are driving like 90 mph through the county, the 3 sherriffs set up roadblocks so the car HAS to stop! so he stops and its like a 22 yr old boy, a 23 yr old boy, and a 16 yr old girl. I guess she was freaking out..bawling..
Dad and Brother didnt recognize the names, so i am not sure who it ended up being and how they chose our farm...but the mystery is solved..for now. Me and my sister were talking today and we think there is someone else behind this..a connection from them to us. But who knows!
thats my crazy story for today!
I hope you are having an awesome day!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Gosh, its been a while!!!
I have been crazy busy sorry for the delay in posts!
Last you heard from me I was leaving the next day for a trip out East!!
Well, the night before I left, I went out for drinks for a co-workers going away party! Well one drink turned into a lot more than that..haha
We ended up back at my apartment for a little Karokee on the Wii!!
It was a frickin blast!!

Edie found my cowboy boots and hat..and was doin a little jig..hahaha
She is the funniest person ever!
We went to perkins after we were done drinking and after everything on the menu she said "douche" so...Chicken Kicker Douche
I thought the waitress was gonna kill us, but she just laughed!

Heres a little Karokee in action!! Either the words make ones mouth look like that, and everyone was singing along...or LuAnn didnt sound so swell..haha
The next day on the plane..I didnt feel 100%..never fly with a makes for a long day!
But once I got to Pittsburgh and eventually Maryland, I was feeling better. I had a great 4th with my buddy Adam! Lots of alcohol, some fireworks, grilling out, fun friends..couldnt ask for more!
Here Adam and I are drunk at like 3 pm on the 4th of July!!
haha..sadly this is about the only pic of my weekend out there..and its not the most flattering..haha
So, This past weekend i was in omaha for a wedding of a neighbor growing up. He and his brothers and sisters are like my second family. I adore them so much..we used to like go on vacations together, we celebrate Christmas every year....we used to live at each others it was a fun time!

Andrew was the Best Man in the wedding..I cannot believe hes so grown up! I remember the day he was brought home from the hospital..I remember Craig and Kathy picking up Alex and Jess at our house and telling us his name was Andrew but we could call him Andy..haha that name didnt stick...I have never heard him called that!
Jessica and Adam..arnt they adorable!
Jess could be a model..and my Adam...when he was born, if he couldnt have his mom, he had to have me. I learned more about love from that baby than ever before..I baby sat him all the time, I memorized Barney Day and Night because it was his favorite movie. Adam will always have a special place in my heart!! And look how grown up he looks in a tux!!! Him and his younger sister Bethany were the Junior Groomsman and sweet.

Collin and my dad before the wedding! How cute is that!!
I'm pretty sure Grandpa is Collins favorite person in the world..haha

My highschool friend Lori lives in Omaha, so I met up with her on Friday night for supper and drinks! I had a blast! She is engaged and getting married next summer. I am looking forward to that! She is a teacher at a Catholic School out there and I am sure she is amazing at it!! Shes a great friend and a good time!
Anyways..i suppose I should spend some time with Winston after all this time gone from him!!
Have a good day all!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet-plane
Tomorrow I am flying out to Pittsbourgh to visit a friend! I love to first time flying was 2 summers ago to D.C. My poor Abby was with me. She still makes fun of me! haha! I was awfly nervous, but as soon as we were taxi-ing down the runway I knew I would be fine. I LOVE the feeling when you are glued to your seat from the force of the plane accelerating so fast! I felt like I was a nascar driver..and I'm pretty sure I made vroom vroom noises...hahaha. Like I said, poor Ab! She was so embarrassed! Since that trip, I have flown a handful of times! Abby was in Seattle for the spring of last year, I flew out there twice, I flew to Cozumel, Mexico in January! I get those butterflies everytime I fly! But I love the feeling!

This is a view from my plane on the way to D.C.
This is over Des Moines I believe!

Over the Carribian...I dont like flying over water that I can see....kinda freaks me out!
I think its because I read a book when i was younger--The Hatchet (maybe?) and his plane crashes in water and he has to swim down and see if he can rescue supplies from the plane and he sees fish eating the dead pilot....gross..but it made a lasting impression!

Over the Rockies on my way to Seattle via Portland

Haha how fun! This is in the Minneapolis airport!! hahaha!! Im pretty sure its a childs play area...but what are they gonna do..throw me in airport jail?
I dont think so!!
Anyways, I am excited as always to fly tomorrow!!
Say a prayer for my pilot and a safe trip =)