Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This is a random picture from when I visited Seattle a year and a half or so ago..I love it. I loved everything about the pacific northwest! It was so beautiful! I love the ferry rides, I loved the trees, I have to admit, I even loved the weather for the most part. I cannot wait till I can go back someday! The scenery is some of the most beautiful I have EVER seen. I love taking scenic photographs, and I will someday have my entire house decorated with black and white photographs! Makes me smile. I have been home sick the past couple days and I must be getting tired of being couped up... :).
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I have to work, but thats ok. I get to go home to my parents after my 8 hour shift and I have all weekend off! I am excited to spend time with family. Abby and Brad will be home too...even though I feel like I just saw them, I can't wait to see them again. I probablly see them more than my own family...oops.
My uncle Keith is having a pool, not that kind of pool. He re-did my great grandpas slate pool table and we are gonna have a pool party/Thanksgiving at his place in Sac City! It should be fun! I hope a lot of my cousins get to come! My cousin Mike moved to Virginia this spring, and from what I understand, he will not be home for the holidays at all this year. Kinda sad!
My buddy Adam from out in Maryland gave me some good news--on his drive back to Nebraska for the holidays (around Christmas) he is planning on stopping and visiting me! That will be a good time ;). He has yet to meet Mr. Winston Snohomish! That should be interesting...haha.
Also, I got an invitation to Anders wedding. I really want to go! Its kind of short notice-Jan 9th. I asked Adam if he would be able to drive to DC and pick me and Abby and Brad up and escorte us aka. drive us to the wedding and around that weekend..hehe.. Keep your fingers crossed that it all works out! It would be so much fun!! Besides I miss Anders a lot!! We used to hang out all the time in Ames. Anders is the absolutely best guy in the world! Lindsay is a lucky lucky girl!!!
So, can you believe that Christmas is in about 4 weeks?! I have NO shopping done yet! eeek! This year I dont even have any good ideas for people! I need some serious help in that department! The first weekend of December, I am going shopping with my sister, my mom, and my sisters mother in law Joanie...who is an absolute RIOT!! Its ALWAYS a good time with her! So that should be a fun time..and hopefully I get a BIG dent in my Christmas shopping accomplished!
Well...thats all I know at the moment. Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
xoxo, me

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Its been about forever since Ive updated this thing.. life in a nutshell in the last couple weeks..
So, I took the Med Surg Certification test this past Saturday, and I PASSED!! WooHoo!

Abby, Brad, Fred, and Fozzie send me these flowers for Good Luck!!
(must have worked!)
Winston and I at the Cuba park near Abbys place in Lake Zurich!
We drove out there to visit Ab and Foz.
We got in an accident onthe way home tho..sad! My poor jeep has about $4000 worth of damage to it! AHHHH! The worst part was we were only about 10 minutes from being home!!

Winston playing at the park!! Hes too adorable!

Lovin the fall!!


so, Callie scored us some free tix to Theory of a Deadman and Daughtry!!

This dude fell asleep during the concert and his head was on Callies lap!
good concert for a random thursday night...

one random friday night..we went to strippers at the vibe in boone..haha..this was John

Cara paid for me to get a bit of a dance..ha

Jess came!! I love her!

haha they were helairious! and their bodys were hottt

Callie, Kari, Cara

Tiff and I went to Rainbow bridge with Jungle Juice on another random night..haha

kari and tiffy!
so thats whats goin on in my life!!
hope all is well!
xoxo, me