Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Monday!
Today is my Saturday! I worked all weekend! It was a good weekend, but a tad slow! I really shouldnt complain about that..but i kinda feel like i didnt do too much!
Saturday night some visitors came with about 40 single roses and passed them out to all the nurses and pct and a few patients on our floor. It was adorable! The kiddos were probablly about 2 and 4ish. They said they were trading flowers for smiles!
Isnt it pretty??????

This weekend at work I was creeped out too. We have red phones that we call codes on that accesses the overhead system but any phone can do the same thing if you dial 7-9-9.
So, saturday night about 6 or 630ish we hear this tapping noise over the overhead system. We are told to check our red phone. Then we hear the noise that too micraphones make when u hold them too close together.. and this keeps happening on and off. THEN..we hear a young mans voice saying "Marco-Polo" over and over again. By this time we are checking all of our patients rooms to see if someone or their visitors are goofing off or what. No luck. We go check some waiting rooms that arnt monitored. No luck. Then pretty soon our friend gets back on the overhead system and says "$5 to the first person that can find me..haha" and hangs up. Im kinda gettin an uneasy feeling. There are more micraphone screaming noises, then he comes back on and says "Maybe the Dr should have given me my meds today.." I am creeped waiting for someone to bust through with a gun or something!!! But I guess shortly after they found him. It was a patient on the Psych floor that got into a conference room and had access to a phone! Eeeeek!

I just had to throw a cute Winston pic in from Friday I think.. :)

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