Thursday, August 6, 2009

Short Sweet and To The Point
I'm asking for you to keep a few people in your prayers today..
My neighbor girl..who is a close family friend was in a car accident yesterday where she was hit in the drivers side by a truck and trailer. She was life flighted to Mercy in Des Moines and is in the PICU (pediatrics intensive care unit). She had a CT done and the brain looks fine, but she has some broken ribs, pelvis broken in 4 places, lots of cuts and scrapes, she has an NG tube in, getting IV fluids and dilauded for the pain, she will wear a neck brace for a while... Shes drowsy and doesnt quite understand what the little time I was there she pulled at her NG and stitches on her head. She has a long road of healing and recovery ahead!!
Shes a very lucky girl that she is alive!
Also, my sisters best friend Jayme had twins today and they are in the NICU. Please keep them in your prayers too. Hopefully they start breathing better and wont have to be intebated. Also, its very hard on Jayme and Jeff as they cannot hold their new keep them in your thoughts too!
SO, send up some prayers for Krissy-girl, her family, Jeff, Jayme, and little Cale and Case!
xoxo, me

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